Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Famous Quotes by Pinochet

“Sometimes democracy must be bathed in blood.”
“Not a leaf moves in Chile if I don't know about it,”
“During 65 years, I have walked the path of duty and discipline, ... And today, looking back at that long path of service, my soldier's heart stirs and murmurs from deep within: Thank you. Thank you, my homeland.”
“rather die in this country than to go to Spain.”
“take whatever steps necessary to end this situation.”
“didn't have time to control what others were doing.”
"On this date, I want to express to every man and woman of my beloved fatherland, that I shelter in my heart the firm hope that our divisions and pains of the past will be overcome, and we will set our sight in the future, for the sake of the new generations,”
“Everything I did, all my actions, all of the problems I had I dedicate to God and to Chile, because I kept Chile from becoming Communist.”
“I regret and suffer those losses, but it's God's will. He will pardon me if I committed excesses, but I don't think I did.”
“My children are lepers, like me,”

“I have always been an honest man,”

“These allegations will be deeply embarrassing for BAE, a leading British company with ready access to Downing Street under this and previous governments and a company which receives significant subsidies from the public purse ... The government needs to send a strong message to British companies that corruption and bribery will not be permitted or excused.”
“We are fighting against a system, but we're doing OK.”
“This is like a bullet in the head, ... What do they want? There is no respect for anything or anyone on our side.”
“in the face of the persecution of my wife and my son Marco Antonio, as well as the principal military collaborators of my government, I take full responsibility for the facts investigated by Judge Munoz and deny any participation by my spouse, my children and my closest collaborators.”
“if there was a tax difference, my accountants have paid everything off.”

(All this Quotes have been taken off thinkexist.com)

Number of People affected under Pinochet's rule

Under his dictatorship, some five thousand people were killed, over a thousand detained and disappeared, tens of thousands were imprisoned and tortured or forced into exile.

Fact taken from:
The Pinochet Effect
Author: Naomi Roht - Arriaza
Page: Preface - Page vii

Famous Photograph

All that had gone wrong in the era of the 1970s and 1980s, in Chile and elsewhere, was captured in a photograph.
The photograph captured a stern group of officers flanks General Pinochet, in dark glasses and uniform, arms crossed, who stares implacably into the camera, daring anyone to challenge him.
The image flashed across the world, and became the dark symbol of that dark era.

Steps to complete my Research Paper

Focus Question: In order to answer my Focus Question, a explaination would be put forward to explain the effect pinochet had on Chile when in power.

Explain: Relate cause and effect; make the relationship between things evident; provide why and or/how.

First Inquiry Question: What was Pinochet's ideology?
Pinochet's Ideology - His Beliefs, imaginary, visionary etc.

Second Inquiry Question: What were his methods in ruling the country of Chile?
Methods: A way of doing something - Actions

Third Inquiry Question: What were the consequences of Pinochet becoming President of Chile from 1973 - 1990?
Consequence: An outcome of an event.

Notes-World Book

- Ruled as a military dictator of Chile from 1973 - 1990.
- He bought significant economic reform to Chile, but his regime also committed human rights violations, including murder and torture.
- More than 3,000 people were killed or disappeared during his rule.
- He entered Chile's leading Military College, the Escuela Militar, 1933.
- Later continued his studies at the War Academy and later also taught there.
- After rising steadily in rank, Pinochet was named Commander in Chief of the Army on August 25 1973.
- Pinochet took part in a military Coup on Sept. 11 1973 that overthrew democratically elected government of Salvador Allende Gossens.
- Pinochet quickly emerged as the dominant figure in the military Junta and was named it's President.
- In 1974, he officially became President of the republic.
- President Pinochet reserved Allende's socialist Policies, adopted a free market economic model, and returned industries and land to private ownership. He also disbanded the congress and restricted political parties and labor unions.
- He stifled opposition by using force and torture.
- Chileans voted Pinochet out of office in 1988, and he stepped down in 1998.
- Then took the part of Senator for life, but retired as a senator in 2002.
- 1998 Pinochet was arrested in the UK on international charges of murder and torture.
- 2002 was released on grounds that he was medically unfit to stand trial, and he returned to Chile.
- 2001, Chilean courts charged Pinochet with covering up kidnappings and murders shortly after he rose to power in 1973.
- But higher Courts later said his health was to poor for him to stand trial.
-In 2004, a Chileans appeals Court ruled that Pinochet was no longer immune for legal prosecution.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Focus Question: Explain the effect Pinochet had on Chile when in power

Inquiry Questions:
- What was Pinochet's ideology?
- What were his methods in ruling the country of Chile?
- What were the consequences of Pinochet becoming President of Chile from 1973 - 1990?